Friday, January 26, 2007


For Soldiers Facing Death: DNA HARVESTING FOR FUTURE CLONING Request Form

I, _______________________, a citizen and soldier of the United States of America, while expressing loyalty to my community and government, which loyalty includes the sacrifice of my life if circumstances demand, believe that it is my right as a member of this community to expect that:

in the event of my death in service, my community and government will offer me the opportunity to be reborn as an identical twin, i.e., a clone.

Therefore, I respectfully request that

1--my community and government pursue all phases of research in human cloning;

2--my genes be preserved in government-maintained gene banks in perpetuity;

3--when human cloning becomes possible, in the event of my death, my genes be implanted and carried by a volunteer mother;

4--following my rebirth, I find myself in a household that nurtures me and supports me through childhood and indeed is a base of support to me throughout my life; and

5--the household/community recognizes my life sacrifice and therefore pursues a course of peace with determination.

In return, I swear allegiance to my community in perpetuity.

Signed: ____________________

Your address:

Send by the U.S. Postal Service to:

President George W. Bush
The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington, DC 20500

For your senators and representatives, check the Congressional Email Directory:

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