Friday, January 26, 2007


DEAR SOLDIER! A soldier’s sacrifice should be rewarded by a rebirth through cloning.

Soldiers who give their lives deserve the option to be cloned when the technology becomes available.

It is immoral to oppose the cloning of service men and women who give their lives for their country simply because of outdated beliefs and fear of the new or unknown.

The DNA HARVESTING FOR FUTURE CLONING Request Form, shown below, asks that
1--your DNA be collected at the time of your enlistment and be preserved in a government DNA bank in perpetuity;
2--research into safe cloning proceed at full speed with the support of all branches of government; and
3--in the event you sacrifice your life, if you wish, you be given the opportunity for rebirth.

Please read, sign, and mail the DNA HARVESTING FOR FUTURE CLONING Request Form below, by means of the U.S. Postal Service, to the President, your Congressman or Congresswoman, your Senator, and your favorite media outlets. This form is your direct address to the President and the Nation.

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